Many people spend significant time driving, so knowing some practical tips can make this daily routine more pleasant and worthwhile. These tips can often help you perform specific tasks faster, more conveniently, and with less effort.

Using an ordinary rubber band, you can improvise a phone stand

Quick and efficient ventilation

If your car heats to very high temperatures, there is a simple way to cool it down quickly. Just open the driver's side door, then the other door and window on the passenger side. Then, fan the doors several times to ventilate the car of the hot air effectively. For even better results, you can also open the boot.

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How to quickly cool your car in summer using a simple trick

Way to prevent foggy windows

In a region where fog is frequent and your car windows fog up, particularly at the bottom, moisture-absorbing sachets might be the solution. You can usually find them in shoeboxes. To avoid moisture on the windscreen, place the sachets the evening before.

No more scratches

Worried about the possibility of scratching the doors of neighbouring cars when opening your doors? You can easily prevent this by covering the edges of your doors with a thin layer of tape. Although it may not be the most aesthetic solution, it will protect both your and other vehicles' doors from scratches.

This trick works great for pouring fuel from a jerry can without a funnel

Toilet paper roll helps to vacuum hard-to-reach areas

When vacuuming the car's interior, you often encounter difficulties reaching tight spots. To solve this, put a toilet paper roll on the vacuum cleaner hose and flatten its end to fit into the gaps you want to clean.

Or perhaps you fancy some excellent snacks on hot days? All you need to do is set the air temperature from the blowers correctly

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Hidden glove compartment refrigerator: The most incredible car feature you didn't know about

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Innovative ways to cut fuel costs: Declutter your car and drive wisely

Always keep a can of WD-40 in your car toolbox

How to quickly cool your car in summer using a simple trick

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